Total: 133 sats
Total: 1.9K sats
🏰 Congratulations! You have just received 1 sat, officially making you eligible for a 30-year Bitcoin mortgage at the newly established Fort Nakamoto Central Bank. APR: 0%. Terms: HODL forever.” 🏰⚡💰
Sound money stimulus package: enjoy this single sat before the IRS tries to tax it
📦 You’ve been airdropped 1 sat. Congratulations, you now have more real money than the U.S. Treasury 💰
🏰 Congratulations! You have just received 1 sat, officially making you eligible for a 30-year Bitcoin mortgage at the newly established Fort Nakamoto Central Bank. APR: 0%. Terms: HODL forever.” 🏰⚡💰
Audit complete. Your engagement has been found worthy. The Treasury has dispatched a zap in your honor
Sound money stimulus package: enjoy this single sat before the IRS tries to tax it
🏰 Congratulations! You have just received 1 sat, officially making you eligible for a 30-year Bitcoin mortgage at the newly established Fort Nakamoto Central Bank. APR: 0%. Terms: HODL forever.” 🏰⚡💰
👑 Fort Nakamoto reserves have issued this sat. Welcome to the revolution ✊
📦 You’ve been airdropped 1 sat. Congratulations, you now have more real money than the U.S. Treasury 💰
👑 Fort Nakamoto reserves have issued this sat. Welcome to the revolution ✊
📦 You’ve been airdropped 1 sat. Congratulations, you now have more real money than the U.S. Treasury 💰
👑 Fort Nakamoto reserves have issued this sat. Welcome to the revolution ✊
👑 Fort Nakamoto reserves have issued this sat. Welcome to the revolution ✊